62 Recommendations
Recommendations are a powerful way to get a feel for someone before you work or connect with them. Here is a collection of experiences from people I have worked with, going all the way back to my first job.
Chucks has exceeded with all Director-level core competencies in more ways than I could possibly enumerate...
Enablement Domain will always remain for me as the absolute example to which the rest of engineering can look to see what a highly performant engineering team should look like...
Chuck owns the entire "stack" of what makes a successful senior leader in engineering...
Chuck is also a brilliant engineer and invested stakeholder...
I was really impressed with how he approached me and other stakeholders on soliciting ideas for consideration...
I think the best thing I can say about Chuck is this. If he ever moves to another team at GA or decides to pursue another opportunity, I’d want to find a way to join him! He's that kind of person, manager, leader, colleague and friend. Any team would be lucky to have him.
He is one of those rare individuals, particularly in the tech world, who is not only an exceptionally good engineer, but is also a dynamic and caring team leader...
I quickly identified him as a 'high-flyer' and utilised him numerous times to help out with difficult and complex product development...
Chuck's attention to detail, drive and determination to give his best were legendary within the team...
Chuck is an exceptional collaborator. He turns the most blurry business requirements into perfectly executed new features, each precisely documented with a demo video.
His speed of execution is incredible, and your only problem working with him will probably be that he demolishes your backlog too fast. He also has a strong work ethic and naturally pushes everyone around him into giving the best of themselves.
I hope that we'll have the chance to work together again.
TL;DR Chuck is a Highly Valuable Developer...I've never met someone like him.
He is always willing to help, provide support, assist any team member (not only developers). He actually understands the business requirements and he turns the specs into high quality code (and really well tested). He has an opinion on almost everything but he is listening to others.
He knows how to draw a plan towards a MVP. He is a very honest person that you can trust and on who you can count on to express his valuable feeling to improve the things organization-wise and development-wise. He is happy every single day and broadcast his happiness to the rest of team (even remotely).
I really enjoy discussing with him as he is a passionate person...
Airtrooper Hardy has impressed so far... Airtrooper Hardy is an intelligent mature, diligent and courteous soldier. He already shows natural leadership qualities and stands out above his peers.
Working and knowing Chuck has both improved my work and personal life. From a professional stand point, I learned so much from him. He has so much knowledge to share and is willing to take the time to explain things. From a personal stand point, it was nice to work with someone who was constantly motivated to learn new things and get things done. I felt that energy everyday at work and it carries through even after. I can honestly say, working with him has made me a better designer and front-end developer, and perhaps a better person.
Chuck has been an invaluable engineering manager in figuring out how different needs fit into the bigger picture and what’s the next best step to get there... Chuck is not afraid to challenge and provide feedback, and for that I’m extremely grateful to have the pleasure of working with him.
His talent, knowledge and passion for writing quality code not only shines through all his work, but enthuses others to produce their very best. I would not hesitate to work with Chuck again, and hopefully I can again at some point.
Chuck is more than a knowledgeable, experienced and professional developer. It's easy to see that he cares about what he produces, showing dedication and motivation.
The best aspect is the way he infuses those qualities into the people he works with.
Chuck takes your team to a next level, highly recommended.
During our time working together at General Assembly I saw Chuck balance leading with empathy and driving for results. Chuck's enthusiasm and adaptability allowed him to lead successfully at GA throughout a period of dramatic changes, where he worked to align the Technology org with the needs of a maturing business following its acquisition. During the time we worked together I felt consistently supported by Chuck, who invested in my development and was always willing to spend time coaching me through a problem.
Chuck leads from the front, using his expertise in technology and product to drive impact through his teams, I think he would be an asset to any engineering organisation and is somebody I'd jump at the chance to work with again.
Lance Corporal Hardy consistently produces an excellent performance. He works tirelessly in pursuit of tasks set of him often after working hours. Intelligent and hugely efficient he can be trusted with highly complex tasks which require professionalism and initiative to complete.
Greatly respected by all, he has strong leadership characteristics and thrives in an operational environment. He is extremely fit and an example to his peers and subordinates alike. Lance Corporal Hardy's potential is vast.
Charles is just an amazing guy who kills every features in a short time. Besides being fun, he's still focus on the delivery and the business first. His capacity for synthesis is an advantage for our product.
Chuck is a fantastic engineering partner who I immensely enjoyed working with... I appreciated Chuck's approach problem solving; he really took the time to fully understand the needs of our users, was incredibly creative... On top of it all, Chuck is an amazing teammate who is extremely reliable and a pleasure to work with.
Charles Hardy is by far one of the most organized leaders I have met in the technical field. I spoke and MC'd a conference he put on called MagRails.
As a founder and leader of my own company, a few things really stood out... I'd hired Charles in a heartbeat...
Chuck is an extremely focused, dedicated developer. Passionate and committed to constantly improving his skills and workflow. And a friendly, fun person to work with too!
Chuck is one of the best and most passionate developers I have ever worked with. He excels as a great team leader that inspires and takes his team to the next level delivering real business value with high standards. I would not hesitate to work with Chuck again.
This is first time I meet someone who is so wide-skilled when it comes to web development stack, backend, frontend or sysadmin task...
As soon as he took ownership of the project I was involved, Chuck mastered it through his experience, by mentoring the team and making sure everyone understood his vision. He also had a very friendly approach, making the experience enjoyable for everyone of us. I highly recommend my ex colleague and friend Chuck for any Company who values and wants their Senior Development team to excel in both technical and human skills.
Chuck reminds me those outstanding developers I had the chance to meet during my PhD and other experiences. For me, he is the living proof that a self-made man can be equal to peoples coming from the most recognized high schools, in software development... Chuck's work is very fast, clean and never compromises the quality of the code.
I worked with Chuck for several years, and I've not met anyone else with his excellent work ethic, attention to detail, compassion for his fellow developers, or care about the code he crafts... I had loads of fun working with Chuck, learn loads from him, had some great laughs and would thoroughly recommend him for anyone wanting a rock solid, level headed & supremely competent developer, who's capable of outstanding performance in whatever he puts his mind to. Charles is an excellent human being.
He can be relied upon to complete the most demanding tasks with the minimum of fuss, often putting in long hours of work to ensure that a task is completed to the highest standard...
He has displayed enthusiasm for commissioning and has a host of the qualities required.
Chuck is real impact player for a company. He is always trying to improve things in every single aspect of his work (technical, project management, ...) He is only shipping high quality software and really concerned by quality and maintainability of his programs. He is eager to learn new stuff and able to take a step back to listen to others company employee points of view and take them into account. He is always available to provide support to its colleagues and anyone in the company. He is always positive and push his team mates to do their best. Definitely a valuable asset to any team.
Lance Corporal Hardy has been excellent throughout. Intelligent, perceptive and dynamic he contributed hugely to the operational capability of the crews... He leads from the front, sets high standard and commands respect from all who work with him. He has strength in depth and plenty of capacity to spare...
Lance Corporal Hardy has huge potential. He should promote to successive ranks at the earliest opportunities and as yet I see no ceiling...
Chuck is a skilled, productive and disciplined developer. He works very hard and is constantly trying to learn and improve and he challenges and inspires others to do the same.
Charles is a superb team lead who consistently encourages everyone to do their best work. That may sound trite, but it is an exceedingly rare trait that someone champions continuous improvement and challenges you to realize that mindset.
MagRails was one of the best quality conferences I have attended and I have been to a fair few over the years.
Organisation was both friendly, efficient and responsive. Location and catering was really good. Other speakers were all good quality with interesting talks.
For a one track conference it had real flow and energy with a really good crowd of attendees. Second day of workshops was good fun. I really enjoyed myself.
Corporal Hardy has had a very good year. He is a diligent and conscientious soldier with an in depth understanding of communications in an Attack Aviation Regiment.
He is able to communicate in an effective manner at all levels, and absorb complex information. He is a totally selfless individual willing to accept his responsibilities in a quiet and mature manner...
Corporal Hardy has exceptionally high personal standards and can be depended upon at all times. He is a polite and well-mannered individual.
There are not many people I can call High-End Professionals, but Chuck is definitely one of them. He has both - great programming and communication skills. In my opinion he is one of the best coworkers I have ever worked with. Being very devoted to what he is doing - every project he worked on turned out be a great success. This guy has pros only. A great team mate - really focused on business goals.
Chuck is the 'must-have' type of profile for any company willing to excel. His presence and skills bring trust among teams and consistency on projects. He can build a prototype or fix an issue so quickly that others might still be talking about it while he's done. I love working with Chuck because he's open-minded, he has tremendous impact on everything that he touches and most importantly he brings value over time. He's a funny guy on top of that. What's not to like?
Charles is always taking initiatives and has an enthusiastic attitude. I would recommend Charles to anyone who needs a team member who is very committed and jump through to get project done.
He is someone you can rely on to get the job done without sacrificing on quality. He is not afraid of a challenge and won't let you down. He is also a great teacher to more junior members of the team, often going out of his way to share his knowledge with others to help and inspire them.
A very strong year indeed from a junior Airtrooper. He needs to be stretched at every opportunity and Operation TELIC 1 (Iraq) allowed him to show his quality. He is highly regarded throughout the Regiment. His performance is well above his experience level...
His involvement and his responsiveness allowed us to complete the project within tight deadlines. He is an autonomous person, who knows how to listen and adapt his work reactively to the customer constraints. Moreover, his good mood and his interest in his work are always a pleasure to work with.
Airtrooper Hardy has overall been in the top 5 recruits in the platoon. Considering his age and his lack of previous military experience, he has done remarkably well and deservedly won the 'Best Recruit' prize.
He has strong leadership potential and it is my recommendation that this is actively encouraged at Phase 2, to the view to getting him on a PO's Familiarisation Visit.
When I launched GA's engineering team for the Asia-Pacific region, Chuck was pivotal in helping the team feel a a deep sense of belonging as part of the GA's culture.
We were the only other remote team besides UK’s engineering team, flown into New York to better assimilate and very soon started championing engineering excellence under Chuck's coaching and guidance.
We've so much in common in terms of agile start-up thinking, personal development and growth mindset. I consider myself really lucky to have met Chuck in my career!
I had the pleasure of working with Charles for a few years. He is a conscientious and very pragmatic developer. I look forward to hopefully working with him again in the future.
Chuck is the developer you want in your team. He is extremely focused, always here to help others and get things done... Quickly and with quality. He has a very pragmatic approach highly appreciated in competitive environments like startups where you need to test/iterate quickly. He is also a great and natural leader: very pleasant to work with, knowledgable and team player. He is recognized as the go-to guy you can rely on in every situation.
Airtrooper Hardy has had an extremely successful year. His performance in a Rebroadcast team on Operation TELIC 1 (Iraq) was outstanding.
Back with the Squadron, he has been level-headed and efficient running the CP (Command Post) on 2 major exercises... He is a model soldier and, making a small allowance for inexperience, is the best Airtrooper I have.
Airtrooper Hardy is fit, popular and very well respected... He clearly enjoys his job and is desperate for more responsibility. He possesses natural leadership qualities in abundance.
Chuck is a rock star dev and tech lead. He pursues excellence in everything he does and seeks to make whatever he touches better. Chuck is extremely focused and holds himself to an incredibly high standard of professionalism... Chuck is an nspiring leader who motivates those around him to be better. Any team would be lucky to have him.
Airtrooper Hardy has quickly made his mark as a high calibre soldier. Such efforts will continue to yield an impressive performance as he gains experience and confidence.
Charles is unique. A skilled developer and a great leader in one person. Thoughtful and pragmatic, he picks up the best tool for the job and always delivers great value. He is a definition of a full stack developer, versatile both in front-end and back-end technologies. As a leader, he is at the same time motivating, friendly and pushing the whole team forward. A perfect match.
Chuck has an incredible ability to drop into a situation, quickly assess the issues at hand, and identify the problems as well as recommend solutions. With this trait, plus his deep experience, Chuck was able to bring about various positive tactical changes to the teams immediately around him. I would not hesitate to work with Chuck again.
Chuck is a great guy. Although he gets a ton of stuff done as a developer I'd say he's main strength is his ability to facilitate great atmosphere. He glues the team together and encourages everyone to give their best. He leads by example, and doesn't mind tackling the most tedious or difficult tasks to keep the clients happy. If your looking for someone with deep technical skills but also able to lead and manage people, he should be one of your top choices.
Involves himself in the ruby community which excels his knowledge of the subject far beyond a beginner... On The Beach would seriously have a void with out Chuck, and the more time your there the more you become a designated feature to the work environment. Happy to be his work colleague and further more his good friend.
I hope everyone at some point in their career gets to work with someone like Chuck. Not only is he a great technical leader, engineer, and manager, but he is also an amazing teacher! I cannot express how influential Chuck has been to myself and my development as a software engineer.
Chuck is a very knowledgeable and hardworking person. I had the pleasure to pair with him and it was really nice and instructive. He's constantly trying to improve himself in order to deliver a really high quality code.
An extremely fast learner, he can digest different languages, frameworks or datastores quite easily. A mature, opinionated individual... Always positive and calm, never frustrated and with a determined focus on delivery, Chuck has been a most valuable asset in a very strong development team. He is always open and happy to assist any team member. I enjoyed working with Chuck.
I worked with Chuck on multiple projects and cannot rate him high enough in terms of technical abilities and personality. He was one of the best colleagues and someone I am proud to call a friend. He is someone you can rely on to get the job done without sacrifices in quality. He is not afraid of a challenge and won't let you down. He is also a great teacher to more junior members of the team, often going out of his way to share his knowledge with others to help and inspire them.
Charles worked with me at On the Beach for over 3 years as a Ruby and later Senior Ruby Developer. Technically Chuck is a top notch developer. His personal standards are extremely high. The quality of his code and his commitment to maintaining good practice even in the face of adversity is a real strength. With this he is also a pragmatic and open minded problem solver with a keen eye on business need. Charles is a great team member as well. Supportive, collaborative and helpful he is an excellent team player. He is also perfectly capable of healthy challenge and of playing devils advocate when the occasion demands. I have no hesitation in recommending Charles. A really great person to work with that delivers time and again.
Chuck is organised, methodical, creative and among the most hard-working and dedicated technical professionals I have ever worked with.
Through his diligence and effort, the conference sold all tickets, went well on the day, and received great praise from the technical community afterwards. It was a pleasure working with him and I firmly endorse his attitude and skillset when it comes to organising large events.
Charles is a highly motivated individual who works hard on every task that he has been given. He isn't afraid to ask for help when stuck, but has the persistence to get past problems that is necessary to be a good coder and leader. Unusually for a coder he also has a head for business requirements and knows when to stop and clarify before making costly mistakes.
I would work with him again in a heartbeat... He is an asset to any team he's a member of and an outstanding organiser and leader.
Chuck is an incredibly energetic person and he puts it all into his work. He delivers top quality code and communicates his ideas clearly. He strives to improve everything. His high professionalism and wide expertise is no exception. He's very eager to learn new things and grow upon himself. Chuck is very friendly and kind...
There are a lot of important things you ask a person when hiring him/her. But for me the main question is the one I ask myself - is it a person I would love to work with? For Chuck it's always 'Yes' - working remotely, having pairing sessions, working at the office, going to a pub after work. Besides being great personality it's hard to find someone so tech savvy. If you start asking him about languages/platforms he used professionally the list is quite long - Ruby, Java, Objective-C, C, iOS, Android, Neo4J etc., especially considering his background and years spent in IT. Though the thing he's valued the most at Leadformance is his pragmatic approach and efficiency. Without any exaggerations you can call him Chuck 'getting sh*t done Hardy.'
Chuck is a highly driven individual with his focus always fixed on what he's trying to achieve, producing an extremely high quality of work, and expecting the same of his team.
He rises to any challenge and diligently seeks to fill any gaps in his knowledge so he can get the job done. As a mentor, he has limitless patience in helping new members of his team reach their full potential.
It was a pleasure working with him, and would gladly do so again.
He has proven himself repeatedly and has been of considerable value on operations. Lance Corporal Hardy is a thorough and professional individual. His manner in dealing with subordinates is firm yet fair engendering respect and completion of tasks with maximum efficiency.
He demonstrates strong leadership characteristics which have developed further in an operational environment. He is proactive and diligent inspiring confidence in those that work with or near him. His manner and ability in the aircraft create extra capacity for the front seat crew. He is excellent at his job.
Lance Corporal Hardy is a popular member of the Squadron and his presence has been wholly positive.
Airtrooper Hardy has consistently impressed me from the earliest days of this operation with his enthusiasm, drive and quiet but confident manner. Despite his relative youth he displays a level headed and mature approach to Army lift coupled with an air of authority beyond his years, he proved to be totally reliable. Airtrooper Hardy is at tireless worker who can be left to complete any allotted task independent of supervision, his technical skills and knowledge are above average.
Airtrooper Hardy is a highly motivated and proactive soldier who has assimilated a considerable degree of knowledge and experience over the past months, his personal bearing and turnout were exemplary at all times. There is no doubt in my mind that this soldier should be considered for promotion at the earliest opportunity, I would have no hesitation in accepting this soldier into my troop on a permanent basis.
Chuck's probably the hardest-working individual I have ever encountered. He's organised, methodical, determined and even manages to be humble about it. He's always updating his skillset and improving his methods and knowledge. A pleasure to work with.
I have not met a developer of Charles' caliber in quite some time. He knows how to write good, high quality code without going overboard. He is constantly up to date on new techniques and has the knowledge and experience to know how to properly implement them in his projects to get the maximum value out of them. He takes great joy in passing along what he knows to others and helping them understand anything they have troubles with. He is an excellent leader as well. Always presents things in ways that are easy for everyone to understand. Charles is a boon to any company that he works for and I hope I have the privilege of working with him again.
Charles is an easy to approach developer and has a great way of explaining complicated development projects to us, the Marketing Team. He takes on board our commercial requirements and includes them into his team's workflow. Beyond that, he's a great guy to have in the office and easy to work with.
Chuck brings a whole new level to engineering and technology leadership.
He is extremely knowledgeable in many different areas and competencies but is also not afraid to admit when he does not know something, but you can be confident that he will get the answer.
He is a strong leader who is able to attract the right talent to build a cohesive technology organization. A leader is only as strong as their team, Chuck has the experience and personality to build high functioning, well rounded teams. When working with Chuck, I never had to worry if my leader supported me or valued me and I hope that the as I continue to grow in my career that I am able to mimic those personality traits that Chuck exemplifies.
Chuck is not afraid to roll up his sleeves and dive in with his team to solve problems. The best leaders are those who can build confidence, partnership and collaboration and that is Chuck through and through.
This was an excellent all round performance from a clearly very capable and motivated soldier. Lance Corporal Hardy deserves full credit for achieving the award of Best Student and I have every confidence that he will be a most effective Rear Crewman/Air Doorgunner.... Very well done.